Collaborating with Queer Black creative entrepreneurs who want to clarify their message and create podcast content without adding to their workload.

Current Clients:

Are you looking to share your message through podcasting? Book a FREE Collab Call to get you started!

who we are

Jasmine Gary is the founder and lead producer of Pink Lady Productions, a production company specializing in podcasts, founded in 2019.Her love for creativity and expression began as a child when she sang, danced, acted, and stage-managed various productions in her middle and high school performing arts schools. A proud Patersionian, Jasmine went on to earn a B.A. in Communications from Howard University, graduating in 2015-- which allowed her to explore the behind-the-scenes aspects of radio, TV, and film.Jasmine became an avid listener of podcasts in 2017. So in 2019, she began editing and producing them. While developing Pink Lady Productions, she realized a gap in the representation of queer Black women in the podcasting world. Both in front of the microphone and behind-the-scenes, queer Black women and their stories continue to be underrepresented. So the mission of Pink Lady Productions is a simple one: to take on the role of "producer" so that artists can focus on creating and telling their stories.

To learn more about us, book a FREE collab call!

what we do

At Pink Lady Productions, we love collaborating with creative entrepreneurs, especially those driven to share a message through podcasting. So we offer a variety of packages that will:

  • Launch your podcast and manage distribution to the top 3 streaming sites!

  • Brainstorm and research episode ideas, and outline questions and talking points!

  • Edit your audio and write titles and show notes!

  • Create promotional graphics (audiograms, guest bios, quotes) for social media!

  • And more!

Be sure to check out Podcasting Is the New Kink!, our free resource that provides tips and insights into developing a successful podcast.

For rates and complete details, please contact Jasmine.

Podcast Launch:

Get your podcast launched in as little as 3 weeks! This package includes everything you need to setup and distribute your podcast to the top streaming platforms.

  • Setup on Hosting Site, including the creation of Streaming Platform Credentials

  • Distribution to Top 3 Streaming Sites

  • Edited Podcast Teaser, including Coaching and Transcript

  • Launch Audiogram Graphic

  • Show Intro and Outro

  • Organizing in Google Drive

  • Troubleshooting

  • Collab Calls (as needed)

$1,110 USD one time

Podcasting Production:

Everything you need to plan, edit, upload, and promote your podcast.

  • Episode planning

  • Topic research

  • Production calendar setup

  • Guest research and pitching

  • Editing and uploading

  • Writing shownotes and titles

  • Writing transcripts

  • Creating graphics

  • Organizing podcast elements

  • Troubleshooting issues

  • Collab Calls (as needed)

Monthly Podcasting:

Everything you need to edit, upload, and promote your monthly podcast.

  • Production calendar setup

  • Editing and uploading

  • Writing shownotes and titles

  • Creating graphics

  • Organizing podcast elements

  • Troubleshooting issues

  • Collab Calls (as needed)

$222 USD monthly

Pink Lady Podcasting Course

An 8-week course geared toward teaching you how to create and launch your podcast.

Bi-Weekly Podcasting:

Everything you need to edit, upload, and promote your bi-weekly podcast.

  • Production calendar setup

  • Editing and uploading

  • Writing shownotes and titles

  • Creating graphics

  • Organizing podcast elements

  • Troubleshooting issues

  • Collab Calls (as needed)

$444 USD monthly

Podcast Coaching:

Guidance and support for your podcast journey.Get inspiration for your podcast, research for your episodes, tracking for growth, and collaboration for your mind.Sessions can be tailored to fit your specific podcasting goals or they can follow my signature launch course.This package also includes graphics creation for social media and websites.

  • Weekly 60-minute sessions

$279 USD monthly

what they say

Erin Pompa (Pride)

Sabba Quidwai

client list:

Applications for Podcasting Is the New Kink are now open!

Applications close Saturday, May 28th, 2022

    Is your audience growing, or do you feel like no one sees your content?

    Don’t let your lack of confidence stop you from making more money!

    Podcasting Is the New Kink is a 14-week group coaching program for coaches selling their services online, who want to grow their audience and make more money by repurposing their social media content into a valuable podcast that increases sales.

    The social media algorithm is not the problem!

    TRUTH BOMB: You want to grow your audience so that you can have warm leads. You want to make more money so that you can spend more time with your family. You want more freedom and ease in your life!But you’re feeling stuck and that leads to a lack of confidence. So you don't take action and you feel more stuck and even less confident...Your business feels stagnant but you are committed to your current clients, and showing up and serving them to the best of your abilities. And, you're committed to building the life you really want!You’ve tried:

    • Showing up on a bunch of different social media platforms

    • Copying and pasting marketing strategies from Google

    • Hiring someone that told you what to do instead of empowering you to make decisions yourself

    And nothing. Nothing works like you want it to. Nothing fits your time, budget, and lifestyle. You're tired of
    putting in so much effort and not getting your return on investment.
    You are frustrated and don't know what to try next!

    What’s possible…

    These things aren’t working for you because you need a deeper understanding of how to share your message and connect with your audience. And those methods are shallow!This is why I created the Podcasting Is the New Kink Course. To help you really connect with your audience and reach more potential clients through podcasting.I have helped over 10 clients save time and energy and make more money, by creating valuable and sustainable podcast episodes and systems that increase sales.So if you’re ready to put in the work to build the business and life you really want, then Podcasting Is the New Kink is ready for you!My approach is different because the curriculum was made specifically for creative coaches by creative coaches, and is tailored to fit your specific podcasting goals and needs. I don't tell you what to do. I empower you with the knowledge to decide for yourself.

    By the end of the Podcasting Is the New Kink Course, you will have:

    • Launched your podcast (setup and distributed with trailer)

    • Fully edited at least one episode (complete with show intro and outro) and graphics

    • Organized your podcast elements (audio, graphics, shownotes, etc.) with a system to sustain it

    • Learned how to promote your show on social media

    • The knowledge of how to repurpose social media content, edit podcast audio, and write shownotes

    • The expertise in recording good sound wherever you are in location and budget

    • and more!

    This Podcasting Is the New Kink course seeks 3 applicants with specific criteria.

    We can only accept a limited number of participants and we only work with those who are qualified and ready to show up, do the work, and focus to achieve the objectives of the program.It is an honor to support creative coaches who are ready to share their message with the world through podcasting, but we must make sure you are qualified (and ready) before we commit to working with you in this program.

    How to know if Podcasting Is the New Kink is right for you...?

    It's for people who:-Are coaches
    -Are creatives
    -Have 4 hours a week to spare for 14 weeks
    -Want to use podcasting as a funnel for leads
    -Want to learn how to repurpose their social media content
    -Want to have fun while working
    -Want to create a podcast
    -Want to podcast with a hosting site
    -Have an online business
    -Want to collaborate with like-minded individuals
    -Will do the work
    -Are hard workers

    It's NOT for people who:-Are lazy
    -Don't have a business
    -Don't want to make time
    -Don't want to learn about podcasting elements
    -Are focused on using podcasting solely to make money
    -Make excuses
    -Want someone else to do all the work
    -Don't like collaboration
    -Are looking for shortcuts and quick fixes


    We are going to work closely together for 14-weeks to set up and distribute your show, establish your podcast goals, and get you on the path to reaching those goals.

    We will utilize:

    • We will have weekly Zoom group coaching sessions where I will teach you new skills

    • You will have workbooks for every session that recap what was taught

    • We will do virtual activities for hands-on learning

    • And we will implement skills during sessions for additional coaching

    I will teach you how to repurpose content, outline, record, and edit podcast episodes professionally, and promote them.

    Our Framework: 4 S's
    Style - focusing on you, your message, why you're the person to share this message, and what your show is really about
    Setup - focusing on your launch and distribution, how you choose to start your podcast and where your audience can tune in
    Sound - focusing on getting you the best sound meeting you where you are in budget and location
    System - focusing on organizing your podcast elements and creating processes for sustainability

    This is not a DIY self-paced course. This is a “live” virtual group coaching course that will be taught by me every week, during which you will be implementing the work. This allows you to ask questions and overcome roadblocks in the moment. You will have 100% of my attention on whatever you need.Classes will be recorded and made available to you in Google Drive, along with any other class documents.

    My Guarantee:

    I am 100% committed to helping you achieve your podcast goals!

    The lessons and assignments in this course were created to guide you on your podcast launch journey. If you apply each lesson and complete each assignment, by the end of the course, you will have:
    1. organized your podcast elements in Google Drive
    2. edited your trailer, intro, outro (if applicable) and first episode audio
    3. promoted your podcast on social media
    4. and launched your podcast (distributed through hosting site)
    You will also have the knowledge of how to maintain your podcast for the future.

    Your progress is determined by your actions. But anytime you invest time and money to work with a coach there's a risk. Right? What if it doesn't work? What if it’s not as good as she said? What if Jasmine is a liar?So let’s look at the best and worst-case scenarios.Best Case: Over the 14-weeks you get your podcast launched, you know how to record and edit your episodes, you are promoting it and growing your audience, and you have a system to maintain everything even after our time together comes to an end.Worst Case: You don’t do the work so you don’t get your podcast launched, you don’t know how to record and edit your episodes, you’re not promoting it and growing your audience, and you don’t have a system to maintain everything even after our time together comes to an end.In other words, if you do the work you will be successful. So that’s where there is no risk to give it a try and get started, is there?

    You can absolutely grow your audience and make more money by repurposing your content into a podcast!

    If you’re a creative coach selling your services online who’s done with:

    • Not being excited about their marketing strategy

    • Trying a bunch of different marketing strategies that don’t work

    • Feeling burnt out and unsure what to try next

    • Halfway showing up on social media

    • Googling how to start a podcast

    • Letting your message go unsaid

    • Letting “not the right time” be your excuse

    • Missing out on opportunities to share your message

    • Waisting your time, money, and effort

    Then podcasting is the new kink is for you!

    Because you can almost see the possibilities:

    • You have a marketing strategy that you’re excited about

    • You’re growing your audience because you’re meeting them where they are and speaking directly to them

    • You’re getting consistent clients because you’re reaching that audience

    • You have more time, money, and effort to put back into your personal life

    Results don’t happen by accident.They happen because you have followed a system and process, taken the steps, done the work, and received the help necessary to get where you want to go. Period.So if you’re ready to finally see those results then let’s do this!

    In Podcasting Is the New Kink you’ll finally start to grow your audience and share your message.Are you ready?We will introduce you to all the different elements of podcasting, guiding you step-by-step through the proven process, but you will have the final say in how you use each element. And you will be supported and held accountable for reaching all your podcast goals.That’s what sets us apart from other podcast coaching programs.Don’t spend another moment re-reading this page.If you know this is for you, trust yourself enough to take the next step.Because growing your audience and getting more clients is waiting!

    client list:

    Applications for Podcasting Is the New Kink are now CLOSED!

    I am focused on helping creative entrepreneurs make more money and grow their audience by repurposing their social media content into podcasts.

    But don't worry, we'll be back soon!

    Sign-up on the waitlist below to be notified when applications open back up.

    You've booked your interview! Yay!


    • Your interview will take place on Zoom and is scheduled for an hour and fifteen minutes.

    • With your permission, audio will be used for the podcast episode and video will be used for promotional purposes.

    • Jasmine will contact you with further details about when your episode will be released.

    Now get your home studio ready for your interview with the following tips:1. Your home studio should be a small, closed-in space, preferably carpeted, with no windows.
    2. Your recording device should be dependable and connected to consistent Wifi.
    3. A microphone (or two) and headphones should be used to capture the best sound and to monitor your sound.
    If you have any questions, please email me at

    Support Pink Lady Productions and Podcasting Is the New Kink!

    In 2024, Pink Lady Productions has been chosen to compete in The Blox, The Largest Competition TV Show On The Planet For Startups, which includes several components including:
    1. Education
    2. Competition
    3. Networking
    4. Advertisement
    We are asking for your support to help cover those fees.Click the icon(s) below to donate.